
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 22:19:38
摘要 应用石蜡切片和苏木素-伊红染色技术制作犬蛔虫前段切片,并通过光镜主要对体壁、体腔、消化道和神经系统进行了观察。结果显示,体壁最外层的角质层呈半透明的胶状,包围整个体壁;与角质层紧密相连的表皮层为为合胞体构造,在背、腹及其两个侧面分别加厚向内突出成脊状,分别包含背侧、腹侧神经和相比对发达的背、腹神经;肌层位于体壁最内层,有肌细胞排列而成;体壁与消化道之间的空腔为体腔;消化道为肌质结构,经推断为蛔虫的食道。通过形态结构的观察,为蛔虫寄生生理功能等研究提供依据。

Application of paraffin and hematoxylin - eosin staining produced toxocariasis the preceding sections, and through light on the main body wall, the body cavity, digestive and nervous system were observed. The results showed that the body wall cuticle is the outer layer of translucent gel, surrounded by the entire body wall; and the cuticle closely linked to the epidermis of a cell body structure, in the back, ventral side and two were thickening of the House prominent ridge-like, include dorsal, ventral nerve, and compared to the developed back, ventral nerve; muscle in the inner body wall, muscle cells arranged at; and the body wall of the digestive tract between the cavity of the body cavity; Gastrointestinal of sarcoplasmic structure, presumed to roundworm of the esophagus. Through morphology observed for the parasitic roundworm physiological functions provide the basis for the study

Using the paraffin section and 苏木素 - in front of the Iraqi reddyeing technology manufacture