骡子和 驴子的区别 详细点先谢谢各位了 会加分的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 08:49:51
字给我多点 有没有什么其他的意义呀 就是繁殖方面的么?

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A barren of mules.骡正在翻译。欢迎您积极翻译与修订。


目录 [隐藏]
1 主要特征
2 History
3 分类
4 习性
5 食性
6 寿命

体型比马大,比驴大,耳比马长,比驴短。大多数黑色,臀高约1.55米。 In its short thick head, long ears, thin limbs, small narrow hooves, short mane, absence of chestnuts (horny growths) inside the hocks, and tail hairless at the root, the mule appears asinine in form. In height and body, shape of neck and croup, uniformity of coat, and teeth, it appears equine. Also characteristic of the mule is its enormous phallus, hence the popular colloquial expression. It has the voice neither of the ass nor of the horse, but emits a feeble hoarse noise. Most mules have a brown or bay-brown coat — bay, or bright bay, or piebald occur ra