
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 12:31:42
Before one can explain management information systems, the terms systems, information, and management must briefly be defined. A system is a combination or arrangement of parts to form an integrated whole. A system includes an orderly arrangement according to some common principles or rules. A system is a plan or method of doing something. The study of systems is not new. The Egyptian architects who built the pyramids relied on a system of measurements for construction of the pyramids. Phoenician astronomers studied the system of the stars and predicted future star positions. The development of a set of standards and procedures, or even a theory of the universe, is as old as history itself. People have always sought to find relationships for what is seen or heard or thought about. A system is a scientific method of inquiry, that is, observation, the formulation of an idea, the testing of that idea, and the application of the results. The scientific method of problem solving is sy

前一个可以解释管理信息系统,计算系统,信息,管理等必须简要加以界定. 一个系统是一个组合或安排部分形成一个整体. 一个系统包括一个有秩序的安排,据一些共同的原则或规则. 制度是一种计划或作法. 研究系统并非新事物. 埃及建筑师修建金字塔依靠制度测量建造金字塔. 腓尼基天文学家研究体系中的明星,并预言未来的明星地位. 制定一套标准和程序,甚至是一个理论的宇宙 是历史本身一样古老. 人们一直在寻求关系是什么见过或听过或想过. 一个系统是一个科学的查询方法,即观察,制定一个想法, 测试这一想法,成果的应用. 以科学的方法解决问题,是系统分析在其广泛的意义. 数据是事实和数字. 然而,数据没有任何价值,直到他们被编成系统,可提供决策信息. 信息就是用行为或通知该国的通知. 信息包括知识,以某种方式.

Before one can explain management information systems, the terms systems, information, and management must briefly be defined. A syste m is a combination or arrangement of parts to for m an integrated whole. A system includes an orde rly arrangement according to some common princ iples or rules. A system is a plan or method of doi Vi something. The study of systems is not new. Th e Egyptian architects who built the pyramids're lied on a system of measurements for constructi on of the pyramids. Phoenician astronomers stu died the system of the stars and predicted futur e star positions. The development of a set of sta ndards and