
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 08:51:31
For instance,while pharmaceutical players such as Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham have made headlines with their merger news,one large competitor, Merck, has so far refrained from making any such moves itself. According to industry observers, Merker intends to use this period in which its competitors are busy with postmerger integration to improve its position through aggressive marketing and other initiatives.

If your competitors' megadeals may actually hurt you, and if you can't respond adequately on your own, you can put a spanner in the works by forcing regulators in your industry to institute antitrust proceedings.

The spoils of the market are supposed to go to a select few in each industry.

比如,制药球员如葛兰素威康和史克取得头条与其合并的消息,一大竞争对手 默克公司,至今没有作出任何此类举动本身. 据业内观察员 乙肝打算利用这段时间,它的竞争对手们正在忙着postmerger融合,以提高其通过 进取的营销和其他倡议. 如果你的竞争对手'特大实际上可能伤害你,如果你不能充分应对自己的, 你可以把扳手在工程迫使稳压贵行业协会的反托拉斯诉讼. 斩获的市场理应去选择不多,在每个行业.