
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:35:26
反思了这两种反应,得出结论--产品的故障率来源于使用不方便。解决使用方便性问题后,我们产品的故障率马上开始下降。我认为1。在设计初始阶段要认真调研市场,应该包括各个方面:使用环境,使用者的技术水平等等 2。真正去理解客户所需要的,如果我们能意识到最终客户的潜在需求,我们的产品就有了自己的卖点,我们的服务才能超过客户的想象,客户会更喜欢和我们合作。3。注意细节,成败往往决定于细节。

We launched the product, there are two types of customers reflect, 1. 2 safe and reliable. The high failure rate products. Investigation nearly 20 clients, I found that the stability of the products customers have common characteristics : from the ranks of high-level debugging installation. That the product unstable clients have common features : real debugging from the scene of the operation workers, they have no time to understand a 50-page user manual. Most will not use the account was reflected fault. Reflection on these two responses come to the conclusion -- the failure rate of products from inconvenient to use. Easy problem to solve, we have the failure rate of products immediately begin to decline. I think one. In the initial design phase to seriously study the market, all aspects should include :

1 the use of the environment, users of the technology level, etc.

2. Really understand the clients need, if we can realize the ultimate customer of the poten