
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:34:15
Dear Chen Yong,

I would like to congratulate you on writing a book about your
father. Last year I completed a biography of my father, and I am
very pleased I did so. It is very important to document family history.

The best references I know of for the Chinese Army in India are the
three volumes of the official U.S. Army history of the China-Burma-
India Theater. They are titled: "Stilwell's Mission To China,"
"Stilwell's Command Problems," and "Time Runs Out in CBI." Of course
they are all in English, and I am afraid that I do not know where you
can find copies in China.

As for any specific information about your father, I am afraid I
cannot help you as I have no good idea where, or even if, such
records exist. The only thought I have is something might be in the
U.S. National Archives in the Washington, D.C. area, but frankly I

I would like to congratulate you on writing a book about your
father. Last year I completed a biography of my father, and I am
very pleased I did so. It is very important to document family history.

The best references I know of for the Chinese Army in India are the
three volumes of the official U.S. Army history of the China-Burma-
India Theater. They are titled: "Stilwell's Mission To China,"
"Stilwell's Command Problems," and "Time Runs Out in CBI." Of course
they are all in English, and I am afraid that I do not know where you
can find copies in China.
对于在印度的中国军队,我的了解都是来自于美军官方记载的三卷中国-缅甸-印度战区历史。这三卷分别是:《史迪威的中国使命》, 《史迪威的指挥问题》 以及《调委会时间紧迫》(译者注:三卷可参照中美关系史:http://ias.cass.cn/show/show_project_ls.asp?id=741)。