
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 08:03:37
这是我们口语期末考试题目 要用成语编成故事进行表演,大概能演讲5到7分钟 请个位大大帮个忙(最好是有3个角色)
很急的 6月13号就要考试了 请大家帮帮忙 谢谢了


角色: 塞翁-用SW代替

LZ - Oh dear! It's my neighbour, SW. I just heard that he lost one of his best horses, I wodner why doesn't he look sad?(Walks up to SW)

LZ - SW! How are you? I'm sorry to know that you've lost your horse.

SW - Oh, it's no big deal. It's only a horse, and who knows, it could've been a good thing!

LZ - Uhh...ok...*Thinks to himself* A good thing?! How could losing one of his horses be a good thing...? I think the old guy's just comforting himself, I'd better not speak further of the subject. *Turns back to SW* Well,if you insist to think that way,I'd better get going, bye bye!

PB - A few days later.

(LJ and SW drinking tea)

EZ - (Runs in)Father, look! Not only have our horse, but is also brought an even more magnificent horse with it!

SW – Really?

LJ – O