
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/29 02:45:57
随着世界经济一体化的发展,外贸公司订单业务的数据库管理显得尤为重要,它可以使企业快速响应变化的市场信息,提高工作效率, 提高管理水平,为企业带来经济利益。本文介绍了数据库管理系统的概念,发展历史和功能,并开发了一种基于Access的外贸公司订单管理数据库系统,对客户订单进行跟踪管理,并提供对采购、销售、产品情况的查询、统计,以及单据编排功能,设计了系统结构,介绍了实现功能的方法。文中还具体介绍了所使用的VB语言和SQL语言,同时讨论了系统的关键技术和优缺点,具有较好的应用价值与经济价值。

With the globalization of world economy, foreign trade companies, business orders for database management is particularly important, It can enable enterprises to respond quickly to changes in market information, improve work efficiency, and improve the level of management, for the economic interests of enterprises. This paper introduces the database management system concept and the history and function and the development of an Access-based foreign trade companies in order management database system right track customer orders management, and to provide for procurement, sales, product of the inquiry, statistics, documentation and presentation functions, Design of the system structure, functional realization of the method. The paper also introduces the use of VB and SQL language, to discuss the system's key technologies, advantages and disadvantages has good value and economic value.

Along with the world economics integration development, the foreigntrade company order for