
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:47:12
The water of the oceans of the earth are full to overflowing with all kinds of food. Under careful scientific management, the sea alone could supply enough food for (1) seven times the present world population. This is (2) enough to end starvation among men.
Nearly a third of the world’s population suffers from lack of protein. Millions live (3) hunger and die (4) malnutrition, while enough food for all abounds in the sea. If starvation is to be avoided among the underfed peoples of the world in the closing years of the 20th century, (5) steps must be taken now to improve their food supply. The food (6) of the seas must be handled scientifically and protected from pollution.
Oceanographers are working (7) these problems. Problems of pollution are (8) by both government officials and operators of individual plants. Steps are being taken to solve some of the more serious problems.
Feeding the hunger of the earth from the resources of the sea (9) protecting

4。B (die for sth. 因。。而死亡)
6。A (resources资源, source来源)
8。D (被动时态的现在进行时表一个正在进行的状态和后面一句时态一致)