
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 19:11:13
记者在现场看到,大桥中部大约两百米长的一段桥面已经完全断裂塌陷,塌陷的桥面部分已经全部被江水淹没。而断裂部分左侧的一段桥面则垂直的插入了江水之中。警方目前已经封锁了大桥两端,禁止一切车辆通行。 事故发生时船上共有10名船员掉入水中,两名轻伤者已及时送往医院救治,据目击者说,塌桥时有2名工人在桥面上作业,其中一名工人目前已经找到,另外一人尚在搜寻之中。 根据警方调出大桥监控录像,昨天凌晨4点半到5点半这个事发时段,通过九江大桥的共有一百多辆汽车,其中六辆车下落不明。这六辆车中。现场目击者称,他亲眼看到有汽车随着断桥坠入江中,甚至有目击者声称看到有大客车坠江。目前有关部门正联系这六辆车的车主,查明情况。因此,究竟有多少辆车坠入江中,有多少人员伤亡,有关部门现在还不能确定。据初步分析,事故原因是佛山籍“南桂机035”运沙船违规操作驶入非主航道撞上桥墩导致大桥坍塌。目前肇事船只已被扣留,船上人员正协助调查。南海九江大桥位于广东省南海与鹤山之间,跨越西江两岸,1988年6月建成通车,桥长1682.84米,是325国道广湛公路上一座特大型公路桥梁。


Reporters on the scene saw that the Central Bridge about two hundred meters long section of the bridge deck is completely fracture collapse collapsed bridge has been part of the river were inundated. And the fracture of the left side of the vertical section of the bridge was inserted among the river. Police have now sealed off the ends of the bridge, banning all vehicles. When the accident occurred on board a total of 10 crew members into the water, and two minor injuries were rushed to a hospital where, according to witnesses, the collapse of the bridge has two workers on the bridge operations, which currently has a workers find other people still in a search for him. According to the police redeployment of video surveillance Bridge yesterday, 4:30 to 5:30 this time of the incident, Jiujiang Bridge through a total of more than 100 vehicles, of which six cars whereabouts are unknown. This six cars. A witness said that he saw a vehicle with the bridge plunged into River, or even an e