
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 09:00:24

I had an accident on the way back home from school.My bike was broken but I wasn't hurt seriously.So I have to ask for a few days off according to the doctor said.Then I'll catch up the courses after I am recovered.


Dear Teacher X,

I am writing to ask for a few days of sick leave.
On my way home yesterday, I was involved in an accident. My bike was badly damaged by a car. Fortunately I only suffered a minor injury. My doctor said that I needed to rest for a few days. I will be at school as soon as I am recovered. Could you please let me kow what I can do at home in these few days so that I won't be too far behind? I promise I'll do everything to catch up with the class. Thank you very much for your help.
Your student,

Dear Mr./Miss/Mrs,

I have to ask several-day leave for rest since I had suffered from traffic accident on the way home from school and my bicyle was damage