
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:29:58
教务部 教育总监助理

开发部 配音员
本人在XXX科技有限公司任职时,担任中英文播音配音的工作. XXX为一家生产中小学语音读书机的公司,我的职位就是负责录配课件中所需的角色声音.如,女中音,小男孩,小女孩,老奶奶及一切卡通人物等.在万虹任职期间,因工作轻松,空闲时间较多,本人利用这些空闲时间一直在不断学习,不断充电,充实着自己.

所属行业: 贸易/进出口
香港办事处 经理助理/秘书

XXX consultants educational institutions Senate Assistant Director of the Department of Education I XXX consultants serving educational institutions, Assistant Director of Education as the work. XXX to a business as the senior management staff training, ISO training projects, MBA, and so on. My team is responsible for the MBA training. While serving in XXX, I hand carried mainly responsible for the two classes commence early preparations for the work, at the commencement of the relevant matters and the related after-school, such as operating results, a professor of communication links between. The commencement of the period of non-education major assist the Director in charge of related issues, such as the Director reminded of the important things way, finishing record of the meeting, the file management trainees a series of such work. 2005/05--2006/05 : XXX Technology Ltd. DFID dubbing himself was in XXX Technology Company, as Chinese and English audio dubbing work. XXX primary and