
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 23:22:14


how about these days?
i quit my job last week,and just arrived XX the day before yesterday. i feel confused,i don't know what i should do,and what kind of job is suitiable for me,i conisder things as the pessimistic way,and then ,confused again...
sorry to say these to you, hope your everything is fine.

Recently how?
My just resigned last week, day before yesterday just arrived XX city.Why doesn't know, recently felt special confused. Suddenly did notknow oneself should make any, also did not know oneself suitabllymakes any. Always very pessimistic thinks the question, then confused. The regret said these with you, hoped you cross well.

What's going on? I just resigned last week.And I arrived XX city the day before yesterday,. Do not know why, l I'm feeling specia confused recently.And I do not know what to do for the right moment,and I do not know what is fit for me. I always think about pessimistic