
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 08:57:29
1 宽展理论及分析
宽展变形是指在轧制时轧件沿宽度方向上的变形量。在不同的轧制条件下,坯料在轧制过程中的宽展沿横断面高度的分析如图1所示,宽展△曰一般由以下几部分组成:滑动宽展△曰。、翻平宽展△ 和鼓形宽展△B3[11 o宽展变形是一个复杂的变形过程,在轧制过程中影响宽展的因素很多。宽展的变化与一系列轧制因素构成复杂的关系:△B=f(H,h,l,B,D,ψa ,Δh,ε ,f,t,m,Pδ,V,ε ) (I)式中:ψa、H、h为SL制前、后变形区的厚度;I、B、D为变形区的长度、宽度和轧辊直径;为变形区的横断面形状;Δh、ε、 为压下量、压下率;.f、t 、m为摩擦系数、轧制温度、金属的化学成分;Pδ 为金属的机械性能;V、ε轧辊线速度和变形速度。

Plate Plate Mill is the main rolling equipment, shoulders rolling steel pressure vessels, Offshore Steel, ships and other high-quality steel-plate production tasks. In order to improve the production process of rolling automation level and production efficiency, need for the rolling process of plate deformation accurate prediction and control. Spread change prediction model is rolling width control technology set the width of the core functions of calculation, its accuracy will have a direct impact on the width of the finished product control effect. Only by correctly calculated and the estimated spread of size, can be rolled out in line with the requirements of the products. According to the same size and principles, spread by the size of the volume can be calculated directly for the blank size, So research process of rolling wide changes in the size of the development is of great significance. Is necessary considering the plate mill modern production methods of operation and moder