
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 18:39:55
(1)I wish this story were different. i wish it were more civilized. i wish it showed me ina better light, if not happier. then at least more active. less hesitant. less distracted by trivia. i wish it had more shape, i wish it were about love, or about sudden realizations important to one's life. or even about sunsets,birds,rainstorms,or snow.

(2)maybe it is about those things, in a sense; but in the meantime there is so much else getting in the way, so much whispering, so much speculation about others, so much gossip that can not be verified, so any unsaid words, so much creeping about and secrecy. and there is so much time to be endured, time heavy as fried food or thick fog.

(1) 我希望这是个不同的故事。我希望它更文明一些。我希望它以一个更好的方式展现在我面前,如果不能是更快乐的话,那么至少更积极一些,少一点犹豫不决,少一些被锁事所困扰。我希望它更实在一些,我希望它是关于爱的故事,或者是对于生命的重要顿悟,或者哪怕是关于落日、小鸟、风暴或是下雪。(2) 从某种意义上说,也许它是关于那些事情的。但目前有太多其它的阻碍,太多的流言蜚语,太多关于他人的猜测,太多无法证实的闲话,太多没有说出口的话语,太多的恐惧和秘密。还有那么多的时间需要忍耐,时间沉重得象是油炸的食品或是浓厚的雾。

还有啊,一楼的那个不要假冒英国人嘛,English这个词做形容词的时候是不做表语的哦,英格兰人说自己是英格兰人的时候只会说:I'm an English man 啊。

wow, if someone is able to translate this into Chinese I will be VERY impressed! This is very abstract English! I'm English and I can't write like that!

