
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 02:43:37
.In fact I seldom make track for girl's son.I discover I really is fancy you.I hope very much you can recognize to really consider hard bottom.I will not talk.Will not beg for girl's son happy.But I really like you.
You always scold me.But I listenned to each time hereafter will be very happy.Don't know what is the row.Perhaps I cared you too.Connecting the words that you say all would one word is a to record down

Sorry.I have no that meaning.I discover I am to really fancy you not to know why in fact we don't understand the other party, is but I don't know why oneself will fancy you.
I hope you can consider bottom.

说实话 这英文写的太蹩脚了。全是错误。

大意就是 :虽然你总是指责我,但我真的喜欢你。我不是那个意思。我方面别出心裁出喜欢对方,但却不能相互理解。我希望你最后再考虑一下。