
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 20:17:44
本文首先从我国的住房产业现状入手,通过剖析购买动机与行为的基本理论,分析了我国居民购房行为的特征。本文认为影响居民购房行为的主要因素有: 社会文化环境;政治法律环境;住房市场的交易状况等。通过对影响居民购房行为因素的研究,本文发现了住房市场上存在的种种问题。根据我国实际情况,本文提出了如下对策与建议来解决目前住房有效需求不足的问题:引导居民树立理性住房消费观念;满足不同阶层的住房需求;发展住房金融体系;发展住房二级市场。




My government is in the Town of a rapid development stage, the housing industry is gradually developing, the promotion of economic growth in China's pillar industries, and the housing industry to promote the development of the driving force comes from the purchase of residential housing demand, therefore, My research housing residents to purchase motivation and behavior and to explore measures to guide the housing consumption behavior in China live Premises its continued development is of great practical significance. This paper from China's current situation of the housing industry by analyzing the motivation and the purchase of the basic theory, Analysis of our residents purchase behavior characteristics. This paper that the residents purchase of the main factors : social and cultural environment; Political and legal environment; housing transactions in the market situation. Through the purchase of a building affect the residents of fac