
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 17:22:47
原文:Thank you for the desk calendat,which,after a journey of four months,finally reached me,Anyway,the very useful information printed at the back of each page is worth the long wait.It windens the scope of my knowledge on various topics great appreciation for your thoughtfulness and a million thanks.



Thank you for the desk calendat,which,after a journey of four months,finally reached me.I'm very glad to receive your desk calendat.Anyway,the very useful information printed at the back of each page is worth the long wait.Wow,it's very good,windens the scope of my knowledge on various topics great appreciation for your thoughtfulnessand a million thanks.
But,it's too slowly.However,it's best for me.
On the whole,thanks a lot.I hope to yours next time!