
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 08:32:22
摘 要


The elaborate design of the buildings in Binzhou electrical design basis, in principle, design and conclusions. Including the strong and weak -- the design. Strong -- part of the contents include : lighting systems, power systems and low-voltage distribution system design. Lighting systems which include : the choice of room types of lamps for illumination calculation in different rooms in the number of lamps, lamps choose the layout, and design of various lighting and power supply circuit corresponding to the distribution box; Dynamic System include : load calculation to determine each system dynamic load capacity, calculated current, and the wire and circuit breakers. and the power supply circuit design corresponding to the distribution box; Low-voltage power distribution system including : different level load and load took a different distribution; calculate the various systems of distribution lines load capacity, calculated current; for the calculation of short-cir