
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:05:25
提示:A wounded wolf; implore somebody to do something/beg…; empty the book bag; roll oneself into a ball; at the moment of crisis; hoe;
负伤的狼;哀求; 倒出书袋中的书; 蜷缩起来; 危急时刻;锄头;

East pulled a fire a donkey, mule train his back pocket one that is slowly taking the mountainous road. Ran opposite an injured wolf he begged for help. East fire pathetic he will listen to his words, the fried book pocket book, huddle up possession of a wolf in the book bag. When asked hunters to see whether a fire injured wolf. East fire evade him, the hunters kept away. Dangerous past, the East fire put the wolf released. It turned out to the wolf not only grateful to him, he should eat. Is the critical moment, to be a farmer. East of fire and wolves have requested farmers think about it. Farmers do not believe that the wolf be able to put into the pockets of a small book, ask to see firsthand. So the wolf again huddle together, let Dongguo put into a book bag. Farmer rapidly approached the Department of living pocket book, with a hoe put wolf killed

Mister Dongguo pulled a donkey, the donkey has carried on the back iscarrying on the back his pocket book, slowly was walking