
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 04:50:51


deli = delicatessen 熟食店
i.e. = id est 即是,就是
e.g. = exempli gratia 举例来说
etc. = et cetera 等等(跟省略号一个意思)
dr. = doctor 医生,博士
Jr. = Junior 小什么,比如Smith Jr.就是小史密斯
Prof. = professor 教授

lab = laboratory 实验室
rec = recreation 娱乐,活动
P.O.V = point of view 观点想法
V.I.P = very important person 贵宾
D.O.B = date of birth 生日
I.D = identification 身份证件
a.k.a.= also known as 还作什么什么讲,还有什么什么之称

m.p.h. = miles per hour 时速
MA = master of arts 文学硕士
MP = member of Paliament 议员
BSc = bachelor of Science 理科学士学位
BA = bachelor of Arts 文科学士学位
PhD = doctor of philosophy 博士学位
ASAP = as soon as possible 尽快

P.O.B = post office box 邮局信箱
GDP = gross domestic product 国内生产总值
GNP = gross national product 国民生产总值
MBA = master of business administration 企业管理硕士
DIY = do it yourself 自制
I.Q. = intelligence quota 智商
E.Q. = emotion quotient 情商
