布兰妮有首歌第一句是say haello to the girl的在哪儿找啊?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 11:58:33


歌手:Britney Spears
I need time, love, joy
I need space, love
I need me

Say hello to the girl that I am
You're gonna have to see through my perspective
I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am
And I don't wanna be so damn protected

There must be another way
'Cause I believe in taking chances, but who am I to say
What a girl is to do, God I need some answers

What am I to do with my life?
(You will find it out don't worry)
How am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just gotta do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected

I tell them what I like, what I want and what I don't
But everytime I do, I stand corrected
Things that I've been told, I can't believe what I hear about the world
I realize I'm overprotected


第一句是some people say... say hi hello 是第一句歌词,是什么歌啊 布兰妮有首歌第一句是say haello to the girl的在哪儿找啊? 第一句是every time say goodbey歌曲 谁知道.帮忙说下 找英文歌第一句是"everytime we say goodbay there is something breaking deep inside 英文歌,名字叫chrismas in my heart,第一句是everytime we say goodbye ,是一个女歌手唱的,请问是谁?, every time you say goodbye第一句歌词是这个.看清楚哈.不是歌曲名是歌词 有谁知道歌曲名的告诉我下.谢谢 我和僵尸有个约会1中第十二集有一但插曲,第一句是YOU CAN SAY,请问这是谁唱,歌名 有一首英文歌歌词的第一句是这样的:Do you remember the words you say,有谁知道它的歌名么? 找一首英文歌曲 里面有句歌词是say goodbye