
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:44:23
The board chairman posted a notice which side:"Since the establishment of the company,the circumstance went worse and worse,so we decide to dismiss the sample room",and pay an extra month salary to each worker.

i talked with David about the problem of dark coffee matrial on the phone

I still clearly remember the speech he gave in Feb at the company's meeting:" Over the past few months, the company has been in the process of adjusting, and the whole result is quite good", but just three months later, he had to face the circumstances beyond his control.

4.4年前这里还是一片荒凉的空地Four years ago, this was still a desolate space
On the 15th of this month, Jacky Cheung will held his concert in a stadium .

6.他人生中的事业颠峰时期已经过去了, H


1.The board chairman strick a notice on the wall, it said: since the company estanblished, the situations not very good, so we decide to divided the room of specimen, and we will pay one more mothly wage to each workers.

2. I phoned Jessie to talk some problem about matrial of coffee just now.

3. I still can remember very clearly that the speech of him in the party of company at February, it was: This several months, the company has been to regulated some problems, and the whole result is quite good, but after that, only three months later, he had to face the situation of company was really hard to control.

4. Four years ago, this still was a desolate land.

5. He has already passed his business peak time of his whole life.

6. These two works are the best of his creations