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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:58:10
令我印象最深的礼物是爸爸送我的一架钢琴 在我很小的时候 爸爸发现我对钢琴曲有着浓厚的兴趣 为了实现我的梦想 就花了他将近半年的工资 帮我购置了一架钢琴 之后很长的一段时间 为了维持家里的生活水平 爸爸要工作到很晚才回家 直到今天 每当我触摸到光滑的琴键 享受音乐的魅力我就会为拥有这份父爱而觉得幸福

The most impressive gift is a piano from my father. When I was very young, my father find I have a strong interest in piano music. To realize my dream, he spent almost his 6 months salary, buying me a piano. During a long period after that, my father had to work out very late to maintain the living standard of our family. Even today, when I touch the smooth key of the piano and enjoy the magic of the music, I feel very happy to have such a great love from my father.

What impressed me most is the gift my father gave me, and it's a small piano.

When I was a little kid, my father found out that I was interested in the piano melody.

In order to realize my dream, he has spent nearly half of his wages to buy a piano for me.

After a very long period, in order to maintain the standard of living at home, father had to work very late.

Until today, whenever I touch smooth piano keys and enjoy the charm of the music, I will feel the happ