急 急 急,麻烦帮忙翻译成汉语.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 14:53:36
while ELK Corporation of Texas,Inc.believes the data set forth herein is accurate as of the date hereof,ELK makes no warranty,express of implied,regarding its correctness with respect thereto and expressly disclaims all liability for reliance thereon. The conditions and methods of handling,storage,use and disposal of the product are beyond our control.For this and other reasons,we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss,damage,of expense arising out of or in any way connected with the handling,storage,use or disposal of the product.

德州ELK公司认为先前传递的日期和本合同的日期相同。 对于其正确性和可靠性ELK不做保证和明示。产品装卸、存储、使用和处理的环境及方式超出我们的控制范围。基于此原因以及其他原因,我们对于因货物装卸、存储、使用或处置或与之有任何关系而引起的货物的灭失和损毁不付责任也不做承诺。

而麋鹿公司德州inc.believes数据阐述的是准确的日期此处埃尔克作出任何明示暗示的,就其正确性与尊重,并明确表示概所有责任,为0.94 % .条件和方法处理,储存,使用和处置这些产品都是我们所能control.for这个和其他原因,我们不承担责任,并明确责任,弃灭失,损坏的牺牲所进行的,或以任何方式相连与装卸,储存,使用或处置产品.



while ELK Corporation of Texas,Inc.believes the data set forth herein is accurate as of the date hereof,ELK makes no warranty,express of implied,regarding its correctness with respect thereto and expressly disclaims all liability for reliance thereon.德州ELK公司认为此发布的资料迄今为止都是准确的.但同时也暗示不保证以后的发布资料的准确性,并明确表示不承担今后保证其可靠性的义务. The conditions and methods