
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 15:54:47
1882年,朝鲜使臣朴泳孝和金玉筠即将出使日本,临行前向中国清朝北洋政府请求将中 国的龙旗作为国旗使用,北洋政府回覆称藩属国不能用五爪龙旗只能用四爪龙旗。由於当时 朝鲜当局对日渐没落的清廷已经有些不买账了,所以接受清廷的要求。其时奉李鸿章之命出 使朝鲜的中国使节马建忠(中国近代大语言学家,当时和其兄复旦大学创始人马相伯一起出 使朝鲜)建议朝鲜政府采用中国传统的太极八卦旗作为国旗使用,这个建议得到了朝鲜政府 的采纳,所以,最早的朝鲜国旗是一面不折不扣的白底黑色图案的太极八卦旗。后来,一名 英国驻朝鲜的使节用西方美学的角度为这面太极八卦旗做了修改,去掉了八卦中的四卦,把 剩下的四卦斜向对称拉伸,使整个国旗图案呈长方形,把阴阳鱼图案改为红蓝两色,这样才 有了现在我们看到的韩国太监旗。 当然这面改进型的太监四卦旗的来历在韩国一定要被忽略掉,大韩民族的国旗怎麼可以是两 个外国人设计的?所以才有了那个"灵机一动"的版本。

In 1882, North Korea envoy Yongduk Xiao Jin-jun and the forthcoming diplomatic mission to Japan, before his departure to the Chinese request of the government of the Qing Dynasty to the Qing China's flag as the national flag-use, the Northern response, the government said Feudatory States can not be used in day-long flag with only four claws of the dragon flag. As the North Korean authorities to gradually decline Ching had some not go, so accept the imperial demands. When Feng Li Hongzhang its orders of the Chinese ambassador to North Korea envoys Ma Jianzhong (China Modern linguists large, older brother and Fudan University founder Ma Xiangbo together ambassador to North Korea) recommended that the government adopt the traditional Chinese Tai Chi nosy use of the flag as the national flag, the proposal had been adopted by the Korean government, , the first Korean national flag is a white black letter of Tai Chi octagonal logo flag. Later, a British ambassador to North Korea with