
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 03:53:23
浮动抵押制度始创于19世纪的英国,是英国衡平法上的一项担保制度.该制度在大多数英美法国家得到广泛运用,并为非普通法系的荷兰,挪威,俄罗斯.日本等国接受.随着<<中华人民共和国物权法>>的出台,学者普遍认为,其第181、189、条对 “浮动抵押”的定义、设立、实施、效力、登记和抵押财产确定情形等做了明确的规定,确立了浮动抵押制度,这一制度的创设,是对我国传统抵押担保制度的重大突破.但在事实上,这一被称为“最具包容力且最为便利”的一种担保手段在我国的确立,也引来了不少争议,一些学者认为在浮动担保实质上损害了物的利用效率,不应在我国《物权法》中规定浮动抵押制度.而我认为,在我国的法制建设阶段,尝试性的设立浮动抵押,是具有重大意义的.所以,本文旨在从浮动抵押的历史渊源,在世界范围的运用实践以及结合我国现有的法律框架,分析浮动抵押制度在中国的可行性,并根据新颁布的<<物权法>>的相关条款,分析浮动抵押制度在中国的新特点.在此基础上提出,我国应当借鉴这两项制度的成功经验,以完善我国担保制度方面的立法.


Floating mortgage system was created in the 19th century the British, it was the British equity security of a system. The system in most common law countries have been extensively applied, and non-common law of the Netherlands, Norway, and Russia. Japan and other countries to accept. With <<PRC Property Law " > The introduction of scholars generally believe that its 181,189, of the "floating charge" to the definition, the establishment, implementation, effectiveness, property registration and mortgage such as how to determine a clear, established a floating mortgage system, the creation of this system is to our traditional collateral system a major breakthrough. but in fact, this was called "the most tolerant and least convenient," a security device in China, the establishment also attracted a lot of controversy, some scholars believe that in essence secured floating damage from the use of efficient, not in China "Property Law" provided fl