请问:向左走 向右走 电影中的那首诗“一见钟情”原文是什么?译文呢?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:50:21



  that a sudden passion joined them.
  Such certainty is beautiful,
  but uncertainty is more beautiful still

  Since they'd never met before, they're sure
  that there'd been nothing between them.
  But what's the word from the streets, staircases, hallways—
  perhaps they've passed each other a million times?

  I want to ask them
  if they don't remember—
  a moment face to face
  in some revolving door?
  perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd?
  a curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver?
  but I know the answer.
  No, they don't remember

  They'd be amazed to hear
  that Chance has been toying with them
  now for years.

  Not quite ready yet
  to become their Destiny,
  it pushed them close, drove them apart,