c语言编程序(Get Ready?)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 19:36:04
Get Ready?

Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32767K
Total Submit:188 Accepted:80


Is this your first times participating in this kind of contest? I think most of you will answer "YES". So let's do this problem as warm-up and check whether the IMNU-OJ work properly.
Now, we will give you the information of some contest that are just like the one you are taking. Your task is to output their rank lists according to the contes rules you have already understood.


There is only one number C(C≤100) in the first line of the input, which is the number of contest.
For each contes,the first line contains only one number N indicating the total number of teams. And then follow N lines.Each line has three numbers Ti,Si and Pi(1≤Ti≤N,0≤Si≤20,0≤Pi≤10000).which stand for the ID,score and Penalty of the ith team of the contest respectively. Specially, all teams' scores are distinct.


题目连具体的要求都没有说,we will give you the information of some contest that are just like the one you are taking. Your task is to output their rank lists according to the contes rules you have already understood.

