开机器提示 disk boot failure ,please insert system disk and press enter

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 10:38:46
开机后提示disk boot failure ,please insert system disk and press enter 然后我连续关机器再开N次后,..竟然又恢复了...然后再关机或者重起又出这个提示.貌似开机要看运气???




开机器提示 disk boot failure ,please insert system disk and press enter 开机提示:DISK BOOT FAILURE,INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER 开机进不了系统,提示”Disk Boot Fallure, Insert system Disk And press Enter.” 是什么意思? 一开机提示DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER(请看全文) 为和电脑开机提示disk boot failure insert snert syistem disk snd press enter 开机提示disk boot failture please insert system disk and press enter 开机屏幕下面提示DISK BOOT FAILURE,INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER请问这是什么原因? 开机后提示disk boot failure ,please insert system disk and press enter, 开机自检正常,但不能启动,提示“Disk boot failure,Insert system disk 开机提示DISK BOOT FAILURE:INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESE ENTER