几道英语题目 关于连词..追25分

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 08:21:27
The house you bought is in a very bad condition, ____, it is small and expensive
A however B nevertheless C therefore D moreover
4个答案要求辨析 答案为D

That was a lot of money, which was more ___ I could accept
A than B that C as D so
答案A 我想问的是这里本来不是应该为which was more than what I could accept 么? what 也可以省??

___ the professor had left,everyone looked relaxed
A While B since C for D yet
答案B 但是A为什么不对? while 这里不确切么?

____ he ate,he remained silent
A Since B For C While D Because
答案C 那么A不对?? 传说中的拿人嘴短呀??

___ you don't like him is none of my business
A what B who C that D whether
答案C 那么D不对么??

1 however然而 therefore 否则 moreover 更甚的是 nevertheless 然而,仍然,不 过 根据意思就可也选了
3since有一...就...的意思 while 当...时 你看看是不是还是since好呢 有的时候要选最佳的而不是对的我的老师是那么说的
4 这个题没有办法了 那个有的时候就是背的东西 俗语的话记住就好了不要深究语法 我无能为力
5要是用whether的话是不是说whether you like him is none of my business 为什么用do not 呢