谁有Falling in love with occupier的英文感想, 急需!本文在二十一世纪英语报上

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:22:45

Occupation,war,extramarital affair,conspiracy...this is such a complex story that it's hard to figure out the main idea of it.And after seeing it,audiences may come into various of comments on it.As long as I'm concerned,what impressed me most is ,love.

Cha Chi,the heroine,was on the mission of killing Mr Yee.Then she found herself fell in love with him,then a romance started.The story is a little sentimental.In a complexed background,people always seem to be tender and helpless,and love is generally merely a luxury.But it's just like a ray of sunshine that come from behind the cloudy sky.Just as Ahg Lee,the director said,“It was very brave of her (*Chang,the writer)to fit this story of a woman's swxual pleasure into a story of war,which is so manly.”

As to Chang,she is a legend herself:her talent,her elegent,even her short marriage with Hu Lancheng,a co-occupier.And this story is somewhat like her ture life.A nation betrayer?I have no idea.Well