
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:45:56

2、九十年代以来一些大银行认识到信用风险仍然是关键的金融风险,并开始关注信用风险测量方面的问题,试图建立测量信用风险的内部方法与模型。其中以J.P.摩根的Credit Metrics信用风险管理系统最为引人注目。
3、1997年亚洲金融危机爆发以来,世界金融业风险出现了新特点,即损失不再是由单一风险所造成,而是由信用风险和市场风险等联合造成。金融危机促使人们更加重视市场风险与信用风险的综合模型以及操作风险的量化问题,由此全面风险管理模式引起人们的重视(如 AXIOM软件公司建立的风险监测模型)。

Over the past 20 years, the international banking risk management development course, generally through the following phases:

1,80 due to the early impact of the debt crisis, banks in general began to focus on the prevention and credit risk management, the result is "Basel Agreement" was born. The agreement by the different requirements of different types of asset weighting to quantify risks, the bank risks of a more general analysis.
Two, since the 1990s some big banks recognize that credit risk remains the key financial risks, and began to pay attention to credit risk measurement issues, trying to build the internal credit risk measurement methods and models. One to J. P. Morgan, Credit Metrics credit risk management system most noteworthy.
3 of the Asian financial crisis, the world's financial industry risk the emergence of new features, namely the loss is not caused by a single risk, but the credit and market risks joint caused. The financia