
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 13:52:59
如:将 1019176328转换成126.54.48.121的形式




Name: Convert LongIP to StringIP
Description: This function converts a Long Number (3232235521) into an IP Address (""). Why would you want to do this? Click here.
Inputs: anNewIP - IP Address as a Long Number (no dots)

Returns: Returns the string representation of an IP Address ("")

Function CStrIP(ByVal anNewIP)
Dim lsResults ' Results To be returned
Dim lnTemp ' Temporary value being parsed
Dim lnIndex ' Position of number being parsed
' If pulling number from an Access Database,
' The variable Type "Long" ranges from -2147483648 To 2147483647
' You will first need To add 2147483648 to the number to parse correctly.
' anNewIP = anNewIP + 2147483648
' Parse highest numbers first
For lnIndex = 3 To 0 Step -1

' Parse the current value For this posi