
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:31:17
“你来北京以后可以和我住在一起,我们家人都会很欢迎你的。我的卧室很宽敞 相信你会觉得很舒服。学校距离我们家不是很远。每天我们骑车上学就可以了 这样也可以锻炼身体。中午我们在学校的食堂吃午饭 那里的环境很不错。体育课我们可以选修乒乓球,学校的体育馆设备也很齐全!”就这么多 谢谢谢谢 急用啊

You will come Beijing later to be allowed to live with me in the sameplace, our family member will be able to welcome you very much. Mybedroom very spaciously believed you can think very comfortably. Theschool is away from our family is not very far. Every day we rode abicycle go to school may like this also be allowed to exercise thebody. Noon we eat the lunch there environment in the school cafeteriato be very good. The physical education we may take as an elective theping pong, the school stadium equipment very are also complete!

you can come over to live with us my family are willing to accpte you. i has a huge room if you dont mind we can share that and also school is not far from my home, we can have our lunch at school and do pingpong as PE we have the all the modern facility.