帮我把这段话翻译成英文 非常感谢~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:04:39
收到你的信我很开心 很高兴你还记得我 很抱歉这么久才给你写信我有点忙
我很遗憾,我英语讲得不怎么样 所以有很多事情无法用英语告诉你 不过我会努力学好它的
我们大家都很想念你 希望你开心快乐

Glad to recieve your letter,I am happy you still remember me. I feel sorry to reply you so late because I am a little bit busy.Also it is pity that my english is not very good,so I can't tell you many things in english.Anyway I will try to learn it well.
All of us miss you so much, wish you happy!