英语翻译:Good News about Gaming(上)紧急啊..快来帮个忙.我会加分滴!~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:24:32
Here is some good news for all of you who like to spend a lot of time with your Xbox 360 or Wii.Many experts say that playing video games is good for you!It certainly helps you to see things,not just the things in front of you but everything around you,too.The experts say that people who play video games can see more things and react more quickly than people who don't play video games.

What does that mean?Well,for example,let's say your mother can't find her cell phone.You would be able to walk into the room and find it much quicker than her.

这里是你全部的一些好消息谁喜欢用你的 Xbox 360 或 Wii 花费许多时间。许多专家说玩电视游乐器对你是好!它无疑地帮助你见到事物,不只是事物在你之前除了在你周围的每件事物之外,也。专家说玩电视游乐器的人能比不玩电视游乐器的人更快地见到较多的事物而且反应。



对喜欢花很多时间在Xbox 360 或 Wii游戏上的所有人来说,这是些好消息。许多专家称玩视频游戏对人有好处!无疑,它能帮助训练看东西,不只是面前的东西,还有周围的所有东西。据专家称,玩视频游戏的人能够比不玩的人看到更多的东西且更快地做出反应。
