
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:54:06
Measuring the World Distribution of Income
I construct a WDI by estimating an annual income distribution for each of 138 countries and then integrating these country distributions for all levels of income.[6] The starting point of the analysis is the population-weighted income per capita, which we will use as the mean of each country’s distribution. As a measure of income, I use the purchasing power parity–adjusted GDP per capita from the Penn World Tables.[7] One could anchor the country distributions to other measures of average income, such as the mean income from surveys. I choose not to do so for a variety of reasons, including (but not limited to) the lack of survey data for many countries and time periods. Since surveys are not available every year, if one used the mean income of those surveys to anchor the mean of the distribution, then one would have to "forecast" the means for missing years. National accounts data, on the other hand, are reported by the Penn W

我建造一个大世界估计每年收入分配每138个国家,然后把这些分布全国各级收入。 [ 6 ]起点的分析是人口加权的人均收入水平,我们将使用平均每个国家的分布。作为衡量收入,我用购买力平价调整后的人均国内生产总值从宾州世界表。 [ 7 ]一锚国分布与其他措施的平均收入,如平均收入调查。我选择不这么做出于各种各样的原因,包括(但不仅限于)缺乏调查数据,为许多国家和时间。由于调查没有提供每年,如果用平均收入的调查,以锚平均分布,然后便以"预测"的手段失踪多年。国民帐户数据,另一方面,据报道,由宾夕法尼亚表世界所有国家,我们在取样期。


