
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/15 20:45:01
Regard the meeting with your ABC Co. CFO - Mr Fang on 18 Oct 07, I have booked 0110 Room at 11F in our office.

Please review the following address information, if you have any query, please let me know freely.

"Regard" should be "Regarding"

"please let me know freely." should be " do inform me"

Regard--> Regarding

if you have any query, please let me know freely--> if you have any further question, don't hesitate to contact me




I have booked the Room 0110 on 11th Floor in our office building for the meeting between you and Mr Fang, who is the CFO in ABC Co. on 8th Oct.

Please see the following address information.

Should you have further enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you in advance and best regards.


很抱歉,这段英文中存在几处错误,而且汉语意思我也不太懂,尤其是第一句,Regard the meeting with your ABC Co. CFO,Regard...with的用法让我怀疑,另外,on 18 Oct 07,可以说 on october 18th,2007.还有,最后一句话你可以写成, if you have any query, please contact me freely.