
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 07:04:27
History of the Noh theatre
In Japan masks belong to a highly developed theatrical tradition. Its purpose used to be strictly religious but this has long since changed. Of all the Japanese masks the Noh mask is said to be the most artistic one. The origins of Noh theatre go back to the thirteenth century. At that time a very popular performance was 'Dengaku no Noh' which translates as 'Field-music Performance' and it had its root in rustic acrobatic and juggling exhibitions. By the fourteenth century, however, Noh had become a kind of opera in which the performers recited while sitting next to each other and then danced. As the fourteenth century went on, another type of Noh, Sarugaku, which used a lot of buffoonery, developed into a serious dramatic performance.

In 1647 the shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu (the Shogun was the Japanese military ruler) ordered that no variations were allowed in Noh performance. At that time stage directions were written down, costu

1967年 SHOGUN TOKUGAWA LEMITSU(日本的一个统治者)命令禁止一切形式的奥马尔表演,当时舞台剧本是用书面写下来的,服装和面具清楚地区分,演员也被分配在舞台固定的位置上.