
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 11:23:37
[题目] 浅谈纳税人权利
[内容摘要] 本文分别从纳税人权利的理论依据、内容,我国纳税人权利存在的问题,以及完善纳税人权利的保护等方面进行阐述:从宪法上审视,国家的一切权力属于人民,国家的权力来源于人民的授权与委托,权力的行使应服从人民的利益与福祉;同时,纳税人与征税主体在税收法律关系中处于平等地位;强调从立法、民主监督和有效的权利救济方式等方面,对纳税人权利进行充分保护。正确处理好纳税人权利与义务的关系,尊重纳税人权利,达到权利义务的和谐统一,使纳税人可依法行使的权利和应享受的利益得到保障,无疑有利于强化纳税人的主人翁意识和纳税观念。因此,只有科学界定、充分保护纳税人的权利,才能真正维护税收法律关系的平等性,有效实现国家税收制度的功能和目的,促进经济快速、稳定、健康发展。
[关键词] 纳税人 权利 保护

[题目] On taxpayer rights
[内容摘要] This paper from the theoretical basis for the rights of the taxpayers, content, the rights of taxpayers, and to improve the protection of the rights of taxpayers and other aspects described: from constitutional review, that all state power belongs to the people, the country's power comes from the people entrusted with the mandate, the exercise of the powers subject to the people's interests and well-being; Meanwhile, in the main taxpayer and the tax revenue in a legal relationship equal status; that legislation, democratic supervision and effective relief right mode, the full protection of the rights of taxpayers. The correct handling of taxpayers rights and obligations, respecting the rights of taxpayers, to the rights and obligations of harmony and unification, taxpayers could lawfully exercise of the rights and interests should be protected in the enjoyment, the taxpayers will undoubtedly help strengthen the sense of ownership and tax c