会计论文英文摘要翻译 帮帮忙!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:40:34

  The economic activities of business enterprise complicates increasingly, the existing business enterprise finance accountancy reports because of 滞 empress in environment of variety but displayed its blemish and shortage, the existent rationality of the financial report is by all means queried.To raise a finance report the usefulness of the contents have to increase to publish accountancy's information.
  Get into over 21 centuries, join WT0 along with the our country, the economic activities of business enterprise complicates increasingly, the existing business enterprise finance accountancy reports because of empress in environment of variety but displayed its blemish and shortage, such as:Finance report pays attention to history but don't pays attention to future, pays attention to currency an information but neglects not currency an information, the economic activities of the reflection business enterprise reflects the business enterprise economic activiti