超市中的英文对话3分钟左右 最好3人间的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 03:44:21

In the supermarket
Mary, Jane and Joe
Mary: Hi, Jane, how are you?
Jane: fine. This is Joe from L.A.
Mary: Nice to meet you, Joe.
Joe: Nice to meet you, too.
Mary: So you are ready for the holiday?
Jane: not quiet yet. I am still busy shopping. What's on sale today?
Mary: the corn oil, the chicken wings, the flour,and the Italian sausages are all on sale.
Jane: great. Joe likes Italian sausages so much. Let's get some.
Joe: Terrific!
Mary: The corn oil is $4.99. But each family can buy one.
Jane: Do we need any coupons for that?
Mary: Yes,go get the circular at the entrance.
Joe: I'll get it. Have a nice holiday, Mary.
Mary: You, too.Enjoy your stay here.
Joe: I will. Bye!
Mary: Bye!