
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:00:12
I just came back from an amazing journey and I'm so happy and had a feeling of telling it so...
if you have the power read it, it's long...
so I thought the the story of my last 2 days worth telling it...

it started in Kashgar, a small city on the famous "Silk Road" in Xinjiang province on the west of China.
I left in the morning heading to a lake that is not so far away, a ride of 2-3 hours. I didn't want to take a buss and tried to hitch hike...
it took a while of walking 'till the first car stoped.
3 people in the car and they took me with them to their next destination(that they had told me they don't reach the lake), they were Muslim and of course like always asked me where am I from and I don't know why I felt something weird from the guy that was sitting next to me and I thought they will be surprised to know that they are giving a ride to a Jew so I just told them "guess?" and they said

我刚从神奇的旅行中回来,现在心情很愉快,有一吐而快的欲望. 希望大家可以读完,毕竟,我写的很多.


