
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 00:07:38

Kung Fu Tea originated in the Song Dynasty, the Chaozhou in Guangdong House (now the Chaoshan region) and the Fujian Zhangzhou, Quanzhou area most popular is the Tang, Song has inherited the art of Tea and in-depth development. Su Che There is a poem reads: "Central Fujian tea for the world, I wonder if the strain of tea things."
Commodities kungfu tea Chaoshan region is very well-known custom of the Chaoshan local, every household has kungfu tea, must drink daily rounds. That is the use of foreign or immigrant Joe Habitat overseas Chaoshanren, still work for the preservation of the tea customs. It can be said that there Chaoshanren place, it is the shadow of Kung Fu Tea