
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:59:49
我是高一的学生 老师让我们做presentation啊 内容不限的 时间3-5分钟吧 我想要一个新颖一点的题材啊....


(一)Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening

I am very pleased to welcome you all as the Australian Commerce and Industry Office's new Representative. Among you are many friends of Australia who have worked with my predecessors and helped make the Australia-Taiwan relationship what it is today. I will do my utmost to build on their and your good work in continuing to develop our relations.

Australia's relationship with Taiwan is important economically and, for many of us, at a personal level.

· Taiwan is Australia's 7th largest export market and 8th largest trading partner.
· Our economies have a natural complementarity which generates its own dynamism.
- Taiwan supplies Australia with the IT products vital to our economic growth
- Australia supplies Taiwan with high quality services in education and tourism. raw materials for your industry, and agricultural products for your consumers.