
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 19:13:26
我也就30分 所以只能提供15分啦

希望各路高手帮帮忙 不甚感激!!!!!!!!!!!!

秋天不回来英文版 Mp3
Early fall day, ice-cold night
The recollection slowly raids
The sincerity love likes the fallen leaf
Why actually has to be separated

The pessimistic day alone paces back and forth
City previous place
Really lonelily passes through sadly
Brokenhearted also must show off power

Wants to throw over a coat for you
The day is cool needs to treasure oneself
Nobody compares me to love you
Tells you in each
Thinks your night
I cry to be incapable well

Lets the autumn wind carry off my missing
Carries off my tear
I also continuously calmly wait for in
Reaches agreement place

Ask the heaven to drip wet my both eyes
Freezes my heart
Let my no longer with hardship extravagant demands you also
Comes back my side

秋天不回来 [MEDIA]