
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:55:16
1 将闪光灯插入接收器的热靴输出插座,亦可用闪光灯同步线插入接收器的PC控制输出插座。
2 打开接收器的电源开关。
3 按下发射器测试按纽,发射器的发射工作指示灯闪亮光,此时接收器的触发信号指示灯应同时闪亮红色光,闪光灯会同步闪光工作。
4 将发射器的热靴插座插入相机的热靴座,即可正常使用。
5 若相机无热靴座,则需将所配同步连线的插头一端插入发射器的 X同步线插孔,另一端插入照相机的X同步插孔。
6 若需采用多灯同步闪光,只要配备多个接受器,即可实现多个闪光灯同步闪光。
7 电池将要耗尽时,会出现个别漏闪现象,可见发射器的工作指示灯暗淡,此时需更换电池。
8 保持干燥。
9 因接受器小型电池容量较小,连续待机约500小时,使用完毕后应及时关闭电源。

Remote Trigger instruction manual flash
Flash 1 will be inserted into the receiver热靴output sockets can be inserted into line with flash synchronization of PC control receiver output sockets.
2 Open receiver of the power switch.
3 Press the test button transmitter, the launch of launchers light flashing light, then the receiver should trigger signal light at the same time flashing red light will flash synchronous flashing work.
4 launchers will be inserted into the socket热靴热靴Block camera can be used normally.
If the camera without热靴5 blocks, then will be assigned by the simultaneous connection of plug one end inserted into the X transmitter synchronization line jack, the other end into the camera X synchronization jack.
6 For a multi-synchronous flashing lights, as long as with a number of receivers, can be realized more than flash synchronous flashing.
7 battery depletion will be encountered when the individual leakage blinking phenomenon, w