
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 18:47:11
English channel,arm of the Atlantic Ocean, 560 km long, between France and Great Britain. It is 180 km wide at its west entrance, between Land’s End, England, and Ushant, France. Its greatest width, 240 km is between Lyme Bay and the Gulf of St.-Malo; at the east, between Dover and Cape Gris-Nez, it is 34 km wide.
The Strait of Dover connects the Channel with the North Sea. Principal islands are the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands. The principal Channel ports are Plymouth, Southampton, Portsmouth, and Dover (in England) and Cherbourg, Le Havre, Dieppe, and Calais (in France). Noted resorts include Deauville, France, and Brighton, England.
There are other ferry and hovercraft links, as well as the link under the Channel via the Channel Tunnel, opened in 1994. In 1785, J. P. Blanchard and Dr. John Jeffries crossed the Channel by balloon; the first person to swim across was Matthew Webb (1875); and the first airplane crossing was made by Blériot in 1909.

英吉利海峡(英文:English Channel,布列塔尼语:Mor Breizh,威尔士语:Môr Udd,法文:La Manche)是隔离英国与欧洲大陆的海峡。其最狭窄的地域为多佛尔海峡,多佛尔隔海与法国加莱相望。历史上曾在此发生多次军事冲突和海战。