
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:25:02
can do ┌ can't do
下午4:00后踢足球 ┌ 吸烟
周二下午上电脑课 ┌ 上课讲话
在游泳池游泳 ┌摘花(pick the flower)

My name is Andy.In my school,we can play football after 4 o'clock.We can't smoke.We can have computer class on Tuesday afternoon.But we can't speak in class.We also can swim in the swimming pool.And we can't pick the flower.These are things we can or we can't do in our school.

I'm Andy.I'm going to tell you what we can do and can't do at school.We can play football after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.We have classes about computer on thusday afternoon.And we can swim in the swimming pool.Things we can't do are smoking, talking in classes and picking the flowers.